Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Raya Short Trip: Bie Eyfff Eyfff


I'm so into blogging today. Layan je la. nanti dah malas, _______ *isi tempat kosong

Masa groceries shopping lepas balik dari kampung, i've decide to make a makan-makan with my friends at my place so I voice it out to emak and she said okay.

Dapat green light terus made a few calls, text and some wechating. I use twitter too. Zaman dah modern kan... 
5th Syawal.

My mom made a simple dish je. Bihun sup with kicap cili api, nasi impit, rendang and kerepeks.. (sambil tulis sambil telan air liyoq). After Zohor, Faris sampai. Tetamu pertama mencedok sup kot. Some of my friends cant make it that day but sokay.. Faham weh, cuti pendek..  My last guest, Abang Amir surprised me with his little baby.  Congratulations tau :)

And much much love for those yang datang. Maceh semua :)
PISmate, coursemate, classmate

Dah alang alang beraya sekali la buat cam mini reunion gituew dengan ex-classmate kan..

p/s: will be friends till we're old and senile :)

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